
Prunes vs. Raisins for Constipation: How Much to Eat Per Day

How much raisins to eat per day for constipation

A common digestive problem that many people experience, constipation can be uncomfortable and interfere with day-to-day activities. Numerous things might cause it, such as a diet lacking in fiber, dehydration, and a sedentary lifestyle. Constipation can be relieved with medicine, although natural solutions including dietary changes are frequently chosen. Prunes and raisins are well-known options among them because of their inherent laxative qualities. This article examines the advantages of prunes vs raisins for constipation, contrasting their potentials and offering daily consumption guidelines. To learn about different types of raisins such as organic sultana raisins and golden raisins, visit our articles page on the website.


Prunes vs. Raisins for Constipation

Benefits of Prunes for Constipation

Prunes vs raisins for constipation are well known for having a high fiber content. Prunes have a high content of soluble and insoluble fiber in just one meal, which facilitates regular bowel motions and aids in digestion. Prunes also contain a lot of phenolic compounds, which aid in digestion, and sorbitol, a sugar alcohol with natural laxative properties.

How Prunes Aid Digestion

Prunes’ high fiber content aids in bulking up stool and facilitating passage through the digestive system. While insoluble fiber increases weight and makes the stool harder to pass, soluble fiber absorbs water to soften the stool. As an osmotic agent, sorbitol draws water into the intestines to promote bowel motions. Prunes are a useful treatment for constipation since, according to studies, eating them can dramatically improve stool consistency and frequency.

Recommended Daily Intake of Prunes

It is commonly advised to eat 5-10 prunes per day, or approximately 50-100 grams, to effectively relieve constipation. This quantity offers enough sorbitol and fiber to encourage regular bowel movements. However, to prevent possible adverse effects like gas or bloating, it is imperative to start with a smaller dose and gradually increase intake.

Prunes vs. Raisins for Constipation: How Much to Eat Per Day


Prunes relieve constipation due to their high fiber and sorbitol content. Eating 5-10 prunes daily improves bowel movements, but start with fewer to avoid gas or bloating.

Benefits of Raisins for Constipation

Dried grapes, or raisins, are another food high in fiber that has digestive advantages. They have significant amounts of natural sugars like fructose and glucose, which can help with digestion, as well as soluble and insoluble fiber. Raisins are also a great source of antioxidants, which support general health and well-being.

sultana raisins nutrition facts

How Raisins Aid Digestion

Raisins’ high fiber content facilitates the stool’s transit through the digestive system by giving it more volume. Because fructose, one of the natural sugars in raisins, draws water into the intestines, it can have a slight laxative effect. This facilitates the stool’s passage by softening it. According to research, eating raisins regularly may help reduce constipation symptoms and enhance bowel regularity.


prunes vs raisins for constipation


Recommended Daily Intake of Raisins

How much raisins to eat per day for constipation? Eating 1-2 small handfuls (around 30-50 grams) of raisins daily is recommended as a way to help ease constipation. This amount of fiber maintains digestive health by preventing the digestive tract from becoming overworked. Just as you would with prunes, it’s advisable to start small and gradually increase to suit your own tolerance.

organic golden raisins


Raisins relieve constipation with their high fiber and natural sugars. Eating 1-2 handfuls (30-50 grams) daily can improve bowel regularity, but start small to gauge tolerance.

Prunes vs. Raisins: A Comparative Analysis

To recognize prunes vs raisins for constipation, let’s consider their nutritional contents:

1.     Fiber Content Comparison

Prunes and raisins are two great food items that are high in dietary fiber, which is necessary to support a healthy digestive system and avoid constipation. But compared to raisins, prunes often have more fiber per serving. Prunes have a higher fiber content and contain sorbitol, which makes them more efficient in treating constipation.

2.     Additional Nutrients and Compounds

One distinctive quality of prunes is their high sorbitol content, which acts as a potent laxative. To further aid in digestion, they also contain phenolic chemicals. On the other hand, raisins have a weaker laxative impact than sorbitol but are rich in natural sugars and antioxidants that enhance general health.

3.     Effectiveness in Relieving Constipation

Numerous studies have shown that when it comes to treating constipation, prunes work better than raisins. Prunes are a more powerful natural cure because of their increased fiber content and sorbitol. Still, raisins have their uses, particularly for people who might not be a good prune taster or who would choose something softer.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Prunes and Raisins into Your Diet

There are different ways that raisins and prunes can be used:

1.     Ways to Eat Prunes

  • Whole Prunes: Add them to salads and morning cereals, or eat them as a snack.
  • Prune Juice: To obtain the advantages without the texture of whole prunes, sip a small glass of prune juice.
  • Recipes and Meal Ideas: To add sweetness and fiber to baked dishes, stews, and yogurt, cut prunes.

2.     Ways to Eat Raisins

Raisins are versatile and easy to include in your diet:

  • Whole Raisins: Eat them by themselves or combine them with almonds to make a nutritious trail mix.
  • Recipes Using Raisins: To naturally sweeten oatmeal, rice dishes, and salads, add raisins.
  • Snacks and Meal Ideas: To add more fiber and nutrients, add raisins to smoothies, toast, and muffins.
Prunes are more effective due to higher fiber and sorbitol content. Both aid digestion, but prunes act as a stronger laxative. Prunes and raisins can be added to diets via snacks, salads, cereals, and recipes.

Balancing Intake

Try including raisins and prunes in your diet for the best possible digestive health. This method guarantees a balanced intake of various fibers and nutrients while offering variety. It’s important to eat dried fruits in moderation because eating many at once can cause upset stomachs and insulin spike  .


prunes vs raisins for constipation


Both raisins and prunes are effective natural treatments for constipation, each with its own advantages. Because of their greater fiber and sorbitol content, prunes vs raisins for constipation work especially well to encourage bowel motions and ease constipation. Raisins are a gentler option because they also have fiber and naturally occurring sugars that help with digestion. To reap the greatest benefits, include a small amount of these dehydrated fruits in your daily diet; begin with a tiny amount and increase it gradually according to your tolerance. As usual, it’s best to speak with a healthcare professional to customize food options for your unique requirements. You may improve your overall digestive health and efficiently treat constipation by incorporating these natural remedies. To prepare Iranian raisins such as organic golden raisins or Sultana Raisins, contact us on Kourosh’s website.

High-Quality Prune and Raisins in Kourosh Foods

Prunes and raisins from Kourosh Foods are well known for their superior quality and distinct flavor and nutritious content. These dried fruits are carefully selected from the best orchards and go through rigorous quality control procedures to guarantee they reach the greatest expectations. Rich and juicy, the prunes are loaded with fiber and antioxidants, and the raisins, with their naturally sweet flavor and chewy texture, are a great snack or side dish for a variety of recipes. Every mouthful demonstrates Kourosh Foods’ dedication to quality, providing customers around the world with a tasty and nutritious choice. Call us today to place your order.


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